June 24 – 28, 2012
KScope12 in San Antonio, Texas

The annual conference by Oracle Development Tools User Group ODTUG
In 2012 it took place in scorching hot, but beautiful San Antonio.
Have a look at more KScope12 en San Antonio pictures

Inschrijfbalie is op zaterdag nog rustig

Still quiet at registration desk on Saturday

KScope12 San Antonio, TX (2012) - Community Day: Opknappen van het clubhuis van de Boys And Girls Club

KScope traditionally starts with (voluntary) community day. This year: maintenance on local Boys And Girls Club clubhouse.

Tom Kyte, in zijn eentje al voldoende reden om naar KScope te gaan

If nothing else, Tom Kyte is enough reason to visit KScope for

Droge kost kan ook leuk zijn: An Oracle Geek's Guide to Successful Dating

Nerdy stuff can be fun too: An Oracle Geek’s Guide to Successful Dating

KScope12 San Antonio, TX (2012) - Nieuwe internationale vrienden: Venezuela en Estland

New international friends: Venezuela and Estonia

KScope12 San Antonio, TX (2012) - Nieuwe internationale vrienden: Venezuela

New international friends: Venezuela