Being in command
This post is the third one of three that together are an introduction to scripting in SQLcl.Also read part 1 and part 2. In the previous post I’ve created functionality for SQLcl that it doesn’t have “out of the box”.In this post I’ll continue to build on that script, but the information here is valid for any JavaScript script you develop for SQLcl. In short: I built some functionality in JavaScript that can read a client file and place the contents in a bindvariable.This script resides in a file called “file2bind.js” so we can use it by telling SQLcl we want to run a script with this name and certain parameter values.Executing that script is done using the built in command “script” As I’ve said a couple of times in that post: I’m lazy.So typing “script ” every time I want to execute this script will get on my nerves … Continue reading →